Israeli man missing after falling into sinkhole in pool
During an outdoor swimming party in Israel, the pool remained empty as a hole in the ground swallowed water and colorful inflates toys, and guests stood dangerously at the edge of the hole.
One was injured and another body was found in the pit hours later.
A 34-year-old man who attended a party and fell into the pit was lightly ill, conscious, and injured in his limbs.
Rescue teams were also called to the scene to find the missing person who had fallen into a well open to the pool.
Klil Kimhi fell into a hole 13 meters deep. The rescue team worked four hours before contacting him and announcing his death.
Kimhi attended a party held by his marketing company at a mansion in the town of Karmei Yosef.
Another man was almost swept away by the retreating water, but he was able to crawl. He suffered minor injuries to his lower body and was treated on-site by rescuers.