Patna Railway Station Big Screen Video Clip Viral - Bihar Railway Station Video
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In a strange episode, a video cut supplanted commercials being played on the television evaluates introduced at Bihar's Patna railroad station for three straight minutes on Sunday around 9:30 am.
The rail line division is directing a different investigation into the matter. In the interim, a few authorities have scrutinized the way that the video was played on big screen tv.
The occurrence brought about travelers recording an objection with the Public authority Railway Police and Rail route Security Power. After a defer in real life from the GRP, the RPF reached Dutta Correspondence, the organization liable for running promotions on the screens, and requested the video clasp to be halted.
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The video which was purportedly recorded by a traveler and the obscured variant became a web sensation on the Web.
A Kolkata-based organization, had been contracted to make declarations on the television screens about appearance and flight of traveler trains at the intersection.